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“丝路天文”讲坛第六十二讲:Black hole jets: confronting theory with observations

作者: 发布时间:2024-07-22 【字体:       


The formation of jets in black hole accretion systems is a long-standing problem. It has been proposed that a jet can be formed by extracting the rotation energy of the black hole (“BZ-jet”) or the accretion flow (“disk-jet”). While both models can produce collimated relativistic outflows, neither has successfully explained the observed jet morphology. By employing general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations and considering nonthermal electrons accelerated by magnetic reconnection that is likely driven by magnetic eruption in the underlying accretion flow, we have obtained images by radiative transfer calculations and compared them to millimeter observations of the jet in M87. We find that the BZ-jet originating from a magnetically arrested disk around a high-spin black hole can well reproduce the jet morphology, including its width and limb-brightening feature, while the disk-jet cannot.


袁峰,1997年于中国科学技术大学获博士学位,之后在南京大学、马普射电天文研究所、哈佛大学、普渡大学进行博士后研究工作,2005-2023年任中国科学院上海天文台研究员,期间曾任上海天文台学术委员会主任、副台长、中国科学院星系宇宙学重点实验室主任等职。2024年起任复旦大学教授、复旦大学天文与天体物理中心主任。兼任北京大学等高校的兼职或者特聘教授。2008年获国家杰出青年基金资助,获得过上海市自然科学牡丹奖、基础物理突破奖等奖项。主要研究方向黑洞吸积与外流理论、活动星系核、星系形成与演化、计算天体物理,发表论文190余篇,包括一篇ARA&A,被引用18000余次,其中第一作者论文引用4300余次,在IAU Symposium等重要国际会议做邀请报告60余次。主持了包括基金委重大等项目,是“黑洞事件视界望远镜”(EHT)国际合作发起人之一、首届论文工作委员会五名委员之一。
