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“丝路天文”讲坛第六十九讲:Astronomy in Tajikistan: History, Curent Status and Progress, Case Study

作者: 发布时间:2024-12-10 【字体:       

时 间:2024年10月12日 11:00(星期六)


主 讲 嘉 宾:Kokhirova Gulchehra 首席科学家(塔吉克斯坦科学院天体物理研究所)

报 告 摘 要: 

Institute of Astrophysics of the National Academy of Sciences in Tajikistan is the main and single establishment responsible for astronomical and astrophysical research in Tajikistan. Brief history of the Institute and achievements of it scientists, structure, observatories and instruments, current status of researches, some prominent results and international collaboration will be presented.


Kokhirova Gulchehra, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Leading expert in the field of dynamics and physics of minor bodies of the Solar System, Head of the Department of Interplanetary bodies of the Institute of Astrophysics, NAST. She is working in the IA NAST from 1983, Director IA NAST 2014-2024, vice-president NAST 2021-2024, Leading Expert 2012 till present, Chief-Editor of the NAST journal  and vice-Editor of the NAST journal “NAST Reports”. Kokhirova G. have published 3 monographs, more than 300 research papers among they about 150 papers were published in leading per-reviewed international journals. She has participated in a lot of international conferences, IAU GAs, Symposiums, etc., where the results of Tajikistan astronomers were presented. Kokhirova G. is a member of IAU and president of IAU national committee, she is member of IAU Commission F1 and it working group of the meteor showers nomenclature.
