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新疆天文台学术报告2019年第6次:First Event Horizon Telescope results on M87 and the East Asian VLBI Network;What is the role of black hole in jet launching direction?
2019-07-09 18:58:00| 【 【打印】【关闭】

报告题目:First Event Horizon Telescope results on M87 and the East Asian VLBI Network

报 告 人:Dr. Kazuhiro Hada , Mizusawa VLBI Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan


High-resolution VLBI is increasingly important to study the deepest part of active galactic nuclei (AGN), supermassive black holes (SMBH) and other high-energy astrophysical phenomena in the Universe. In particular, the international collaboration of VLBI is rapidly expanding and recently some new international VLBI network is emerging. Here my talk will consist of two parts: (1) the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) and (2) the East Asian VLBI Network (EAVN).  The former is a global VLBI network operated at millimeter wavelengths, and recently the first image of the black hole shadow in M87 has been obtained. The latter is an international VLBI network that is promoted by Korea, Japan and China, where XAO/Urumqi is a key partner. I will overview the recent progress and science results (mainly on M87/AGN/jets) addressed by EHT and EAVN, and would like to discuss the future collaboration with XAO. 


Dr. Kazuhiro Hada has been working for the Mizusawa VLBI Observatory since 2016, a branch of National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, as an assistant professor.  He got his PhD in 2012 from the Graduate Universities for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) in Japan. After the graduation, he worked for the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF, Italy) for 3 years. His main research field is observational studies of relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei, in particular by means of high-resolution VLBI. As well as the Event Horizon Telescope, he is currently promoting the East Asian VLBI Network in collaboration with partners in XAO/SHAO/China, Korea and Japan.



报 告 人:Cui Yuzhu (PhD student in the Graduate Universities for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) in Japan, D2)


Relativistic and highly collimated jets are the outflows connected with supermassive black holes (SMBH). But the actual processes of the jet formed by SMBH are still under debate. Instead of showing some evidence of black hole, after April 10th, 2019, we have unpredictably seen the first image of the black hole in M87 with the Even Horizon Telescope which perfectly confirms Einstein equations. This amazing discovery brings us brand-new insights into how the black hole looks like. It also provides us a privileged opportunity to study the connection between the tinny black hole and the large scale jet which can be done with our near-in-time EAVN observations in 2017. For instant, the first black hole image released by EHT shows the asymmetric brightness from the southern and northern side. It is interpreted as the clock-wise spin of the black hole. In the multi-epoch EAVN results at 43 GHz, we also find the southern side is brighter than the norther side. Moreover, the pc-scale jet axis is towards to the almost horizontal direction which is inconsistent with that of kilopc-scale jet in previous researches.

It may lead us to know more about the role of the black hole in the jet laughing direction.




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