姓名:单昊 性别:男
民族:汉 职称:研究员
学历:博士 学位:博士
- 在研项目
- 已完成项目
(1) “基于小波和几何小波的脉冲星信号处理和天文图像去噪”,国家自然科学基金面上项目。2012/1-2015/12,结题、主持。
(2) “基于压缩感知的脉冲星信号恢复和天文去卷积”,国家自然科学基金面上项目。2017/1-2020/12,结题、主持。
(3) “SKA前期数据处理系统建设和相关科学预研”,国家重点研发计划。2018/5-2023/4,结题、参与。
1. H. Shan. CS-GAC: Compressively Sensed Geodesic Active Contours. Pattern Recognition, 146 (2024), 110007.
2. H. Shan. Robust RFI excision for pulsar signals by a novel nonlinear M-type estimator with an application to pulsar timing. APJ, 952(1), 70–82, 2023.
3. H. Shan, J. Yuan, N. Wang, Z. Wang. Compressed Sensing Based RFI Mitigation and Restoration for Pulsar Signals. APJ, 935(2), 117–124, 2022.
4. H. Shan, M. Jiang, J. Yuan, X. Yang, W. Yan, Z. Wang, N. Wang. Sparsity and M-Estimators in RFI Mitigation for Typical Radio Astrophysical Signals. Universe, 9, 488, 20pp, 2023.
5. H. Shan, L. Cui, X. Y. Hong, X. Liu, N. Chang. Wavelet based tone mapping (TM) enhancement to a detection system for faint and compact sources in HDR and large FOV radio scenes, Astronomy and Computing, 42, 100684, 15pp, 2023.
6. H. Shan, X. Wang, J. Yuan, J. Nie, N. Liu, N. Wang. Wavelet based recognition for pulsar signals. Astronomy and Computing, 11(6), 55–63, 2015.
7. H. Shan, J. Ma, H. Yang. Comparisons of wavelets, contourlets and curvelets in seismic denoising.Journal of Applied Geophysics,69(2), 103–115, 2009.
8. H. Shan, C. He, N. Wang. MCA aided geodesic active contours for image segmentation with textures. Pattern Recognition Letters, 45(1), 235–243, 2014.
9. H. Shan, J. Ma. Curvelet-based geodesic snakes for image segmentation with multiple objects. Pattern Recognition Letters, 31(5), 355–360, 2010.