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导师:Gleb Fedoseev

作者: 发布时间:2024-08-30 【字体:       

姓名:Gleb Fedoseev      性别:男                        

国籍俄罗斯            职称:副研究员

学历:研究生            学位:博士




The Supervisor’s expertise lies in the field of laboratory based solid-state astrochemistry. He specializes in the experimental and theoretical investigation of complex organic molecules (COMs) formation routes in the regions of star and planet formation with the focus on the formation of molecules required for various scenarios of abiogenesis.

Under his supervision, the Student will be complementing the current understanding of chemical processes occurring on the surface of inter- and circumstellar ices with the outcomes of the most recent laboratory-based results. The student will also gain experience in the analysis of experimental data acquired using IR spectroscopy and quadrupole mass spectrometry techniques, as well as in the design of cryogenic (<10 K) ultra-high vacuum apparatus for the acquisition of interstellar ice analogues.


  1. 在研项目

自治区天池英才引进人才计划, 2024 - present主持

  1. 已完成项目

The Supervisor joined XAO CAS in 2024.



  1. Fedoseev, G., Qasim, D., Chuang, K.-J., Ioppolo, S., Lamberts, T., van Dishoeck, E. F., Linnartz, H., “Hydrogenation of accreting C-atoms and CO molecules - simulating ketene and acetaldehyde formation under dark and translucent cloud conditions”, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal, 924, 110.
  2. Ioppolo, S., Fedoseev, G., Chuang, K. -J., Cuppen, H. M., Clements, A. R., Jin, M., Garrod, R. T., Qasim, D., Kofman, V., van Dishoeck, E. F., Linnartz, H., “A non-energetic mechanism for glycine formation in the interstellar medium”, 2021, Nature Astronomy, 5, 197.
  3. Qasim D., Fedoseev G., Chuang K.-J., He J., Ioppolo S., van Dishoeck E. F., Linnartz H., “An experimental study of the surface formation of methane in interstellar molecular clouds”, 2020, Nature Astronomy, 4, 781.
  4. Fedoseev, G., Chuang, K.-J., Ioppolo, S., Qasim, D., van Dishoeck, E. F., Linnartz, H., “Formation of Glycerol through Hydrogenation of CO Ice under Prestellar Core Conditions”, 2017, The Astrophysical Journal, 842, 52.
  5. Fedoseev G., Cuppen H. M., Ioppolo S., Lamberts T., Linnartz H., “Experimental evidence for Glycolaldehyde and Ethylene Glycol formation by surface hydrogenation of CO molecules under dense molecular cloud conditions”, 2015, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 448, 1288
