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时间:2017-09-14 作者: 点击:


  青促会午间学术沙龙系列活动, 第二十二次活动时间 2017年5月23日(周二)北京时间12:40开始,活动地点:110会议室。请大家提前10分钟到场,并保持安静!

  订餐网址: ,订餐时间截止到5月22日(周一)中午14:00,请参加活动的同事及同学们务必在订餐系统中填写信息以便统计。


  报告人:Markus Demleitner

  题目:ADQL and TAP hands-on

  摘要:More and more astronomical data is published in the form of relational databases: This not only concerns object catalogs, but also observations, simulation results or even resource metadata you can use to find data relevant to your research.

  For astronomers, this lets you search and analyse huge amounts of data without actually having to download it, and the common representation lets you immediately use a wide variety of data sources without ever writing a line of parsing code.

  The Virtual Observatory has defined the Table Access Protocol TAP and the SQL-like query language ADQL to offer a uniform interface to such services; if you know CasJobs: it's very similar, but you can now span several services and more easily integrate your own code. More and more data sets are published TAP-first; a prominent example is Gaia's results.

  This short course will teach you how to write good queries (which are essentially the small programs executed by the database), how to combine your own local data with server-side information, how to do simple discovery, and how TAP helps you to do all that. The course is hands-on, so you should bring a computer with TOPCAT ( installed.

  报告人简介:Markus Demleitner studied physics, math and astronomy at the universities of Erlangen/Nürnberg and Heidelberg, Germany. He did his PhD in astronomy at Heidelberg University in 2000, working out analytic solutions for certain classes of galactic disks. Even before that, he had joined the staff of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (Cambridge, MA) in 1999, to help ADS in, among other things, abstract and reference extraction and organising the article holdings. In 2001, he returned to Heidelberg, accepting a teaching post in computational linguistics before returning to astronomy in 2007. He has been contributing to the Virtual Observatory effort ever since, primarily through developing the data center software DaCHS. This entails intense activities in several working groups of the IVOA; right now, Markus is chair of the Registry working group.
