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2017-10-26| 【A A A【打印】【关闭】






1. 在研项目 

1) 强磁场大质量恒星的结构与演化及相关天体的理论与实测研究, 国家自然科学基金联合重点项目,2021—2014,参与 

2) 中国科学院青年促进会人才项目,2018—2022,负责人 

2. 已完成项目 

1) 疏散星团变星搜寻及其时域观测研究,国家自然科学基金项目两岸项目,2017-2019,负责人 

2) 演化星族合成模型的改进和应用,国家自然科学基金项目,2014-2016,负责人 

3) 双星相互作用对高红移星系的影响,中科院西部之光博士项目,2012-2016,负责人 


1. Zhang,Yu; Tang, Shih-Yun; Chen, W.P.; Pang, Xiaoying; Liu, Jinzhong, Diagnosing the Stellar Population and Tidal Structure of the Blanco 1 Star Cluster, ApJ, 2020,889, 99 

2. Zhang,Yu; Han, Quanwang; Liu, Jinzhong, The First Photometric Study of the Short-period Shallow Contact System LO Comae, PASP, 2016, 128, 124201 

3. Zhang, Yu; Liu, Jinzhong; Zhang, Fenghui, The effect of binary interactions on parameter determinations for early-type galaxies, MNRAS, 2015, 449, 3301-3311 

4.  Zhang, Yu; Liu, Jinzhong; Zhang, Fenghui; Han, Zhanwen, The impact of binary stars on the colors of high-redshift galaxies, A&A, 2013, 554 

5.  Zhang, Yu; Han, Zhanwen; Liu, Jinzhong; Zhang, Fenghui; Kang, Xiaoyu; Testing three derivative methods of stellar population synthesis models, MNRAS, 2012, 421, 1678-1696 

6.  Zhang, Yu; Zhang, Fenghui; Han, Zhanwen; Liu, Jinzhong, The light-weighted age and metallicity of Galactic globular clusters, Ap&SS, 2010, 329, 255-260 

7. Zong, Peng; Esamdin, Ali; Fu, Jian Ning;  Niu, Biao Hu;  Feng, Guo Jie;  Yang, Tao Zhi; Bai, Chun Hai;  Zhang, Yu;  Liu, Jin Zhong,  Pulsations of the SX Phe Star BL Camelopardalis,  PASP, 2019, 131(1000):064202 

8. Liu Junhui, Esamdin Ali, Yu Zhang, Chin-Ping Hu, Tingting Chen, Junbo Zhang, Jinzhong Liu, Zixi Li, Juanjuan Ren, Jie Zheng, Hubiao Niu , Chunhai Bai, and Liang Ge, An Optical and X-Ray Study of the Contact Binary, BH Cassiopeiae, PASP, 2019, 131(1002):084202 

9.  Ma, Shuguo; Esamdin, Ali; Ma, Lu; Niu, Hubiao; Fu, Jianning; Zhang, Yu; Liu, Jinzhong; Yang, Taozhi; Song, Fangfang; Pu, Guangxin, A precursive study of the time-domain survey of the Galactic Anti-center using the Nanshan 1-meter telescope with variable stars detected, Ap&SS, 2018, 363, 68 

10.  Liu, Jinzhong; Zhang, Yu; Song, Fangfang; Yang, Taozhi, The First Photometric Investigation of the Neglected Contact Binary LP Comae, PASP, 2017, 129, 4204 

11.  Song, Fangfang; Esamdin, Ali; Ma, Lu; Liu, Jinzhong; Zhang, Yu; Niu, Hubiao; Yang, Taozhi, A study of variable stars in the open cluster NGC 1582 and its surrounding field, RAA, 2016, 16, 10 

12.  Liu, Jinzhong; Zhang, Yu, Gravitational-wave radiation from double compact objects with eLISA in the Galaxy, PASP, 2014, 126, 211 

13. Liu, Jinzhong; Zhang, Yu; Zhang, Hailong; Sun, Yutao; Wang, Na, Determining gravitational wave radiation from close galaxy pairs using a binary population synthesis approach, A&A, 2012, 540 

14.  Zhang, Fenghui; Li, Lifang; Zhang, Yu; Kang; Xiaoyu; Han, Zhanwen, Binary interactions on the calibrations of star formation rate, MNRAS, 2012, 421, 743 

15. Kang XiaoYu; Zhang FengHui; Zhang Yu, Effects of binary interactions on the color evolution of M33. 2012, ScChG , 8, 1505 

16.  Liu, Cheng; Li, Lifang; Zhang, Fenghui; Zhang, Yu; Jiang, Dengkai; Liu, Jinzhong, White dwarf-main sequence binaries identified within SDSS DR7 and UKIDSS DR5, MNRAS, 2012, 424, 1841 

17.  Kang, Xiaoyu; Chang, Ruixiang; Yin, Jun; Hou, Jinliang; Zhang, Fenghui; Zhang, Yu; Han, Zhanwen, The evolution and star-formation history of M33, MNRAS, 2012, 426, 1455 

18.  Liu, Jinzhong; Zhang, Yu; Han, Zhanwen; Zhang, Fenghui, Contribution of close double white dwarfs to the Galactic gravitational wave foreground. 2010, Ap&SS, 329, 297 

19.  Liu, Jinzhong; Han, Zhanwen; Zhang, Fenghui; Zhang, Yu, A comprehensive study of close double white dwarfs as gravitational wave sources: evolutionary channels, birth rates, and physical properties, ApJ, 2010, 719, 1546 

20.  Zhang, Fenghui; Han, Zhanwen; Li, Lifang; Shan, Hongguang; Zhang, Yu, The effects of ultraviolet photometry and binary interactions on photometric redshift and galaxy morphology, MNRAS, 2010, 408, 1283 

21.  Zhang, Fenghui; Han, Zhanwen; Li, Lifang; Guo, Jianpo; Zhang, Yu, Inclusion of sdBs in evolutionary population synthesis for binary stellar populations and the application: the determination of photo-z and galaxy morphology, Ap&SS, 2010, 329, 249


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