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2017-10-26| 【A A A【打印】【关闭】




1. 在研项目 

1) 国家重点研发计划SKA前期数据处理系统建设及相关科学预研”的课题二“高动态大视场成图研究”,2018.5-2023.4,骨干成员,参与 

2. 已完成项目 

1) 大口径全可动射电望远镜关键技术研究-大样本射电天体的观测和前沿问题研究,国家任务-973计划,2015-2019,骨干成员参与 

2) 活动星系核的射电和光学IDV观测研究,国家自然科学基金,2013-2016,负责人 

3) 活动星系核快速射电流量变化(IDV)的大样本观测研究,国家自然科学基金,2011-2013,负责人 

4) 活动星系核的VLBIIDV观测研究,国家自然科学基金,2008-2010,负责人 




3.2014年,《Intra-day variability observations of S5 0716+714 over 4.5 years at 4.8 GHz》获新疆维吾尔自治区第十三届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖  

4.2009年,《VLBI observations of nineteen GHz- peaked-spectrum radio sources at 1.6 GHz》获新疆维吾尔自治区第十届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖  



7.2003年,《致密对称源候选体的欧洲VLBI网观测》 获新疆维吾尔自治区第七届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖 


1. The Jet-Disk Coupling of Seyfert Galaxies from a Complete Hard X-ray Sample. Liu Xiang, Chang Ning, Han Zhenhua, Wang Xin, Universe, 6, 68 (2020) 

2. A model of neutron-star--white-dwarf collision for fast radio bursts, Liu Xiang, Ap&SS, 363, 242 (2018) 

3. Radio and optical intra-day variability observations of five blazars, Liu X., Yang P.P., Liu J., Liu B.R., et al. , MNRAS, 469, 2457-2463 2017 

4. VLBA 24 and 43 GHz observations of massive binary black hole candidate PKS 1155+251, Yang X.L., Liu X., Yang J., et al., MNRAS, 471, 1873-1878 2017 

5. NGC 5252: a pair of radio-emitting active galactic nuclei?, Yang X.L., Yang J., Paragi S., Liu X., et al., MNRAS, 464, L70-L74 2017 

6. Correlation analysis of radio properties and accretion-disk luminosity for low luminosity AGNs, Su R.Z., Liu X., Zhang Z., ApSS, 362, 3 2017 

7. Variability and Period Analysis for BL Lac AO 0235+164, Fan J.H., Kurtanidze O., Liu Y., Liu X., et al., ApJ, 837, 45 2017 

8. The physical fundamental plane of black hole activity: revisited, Liu X., Han Z.H., Zhang Z., Ap&SS, 361, 9 2016 

9. Properties of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies Revisited, Liu X., Yang P.P., Su R.Z., Zhang Z., IJAA, 6, 166 2016 

10. The adaptive-loop-gain adaptive-scale CLEAN deconvolution of radio interferometric images, Zhang L., Zhang M., Liu X., Ap&SS, 361, 153 2016 

11. Intra-day variability observations and the VLBI structure analysis of quasar S4 0917+624, Liu X., Mi L.G., Liu J., et al., A&A, 578, A34 2015 

12. Rapid variability of BL Lac 0925+504: interstellar scintillation induced, Liu J., Liu X., Ap&SS, 357, 165 2015 

13. Is radio jet power linearly proportional to the product of central black hole mass and Eddington ratio in AGN?, Liu X., Han Z.H., Ap&SS, 354, 553 2014 

14. Two-year monitoring of intra-day variability of quasar 1156+295 at 4.8 GHz, Liu B.R., Liu X., Marchili N., Liu J., et al., A&A, 555, A134 2013 

15. Radio observations of the first three-month Fermi-AGN at 4.8 GHz, Liu X., Song H.-G., Liu J., et al., RAA, 12, 147 2012 

16. Correlations between the peak flux density and the position angle of inner jet in three blazars, Liu X., Mi L.G., Liu B.R., Li Q.W., Ap&SS, 342, 4652012 

17. Intra-day variability observations of S5 0716+714 over 4.5 years at 4.8 GHz, Liu X., Song H.G., Marchili N., et al., A&A, 542, A1212012 

18. On the influence of the Sun on the rapid variability of compact extragalactic sources, Marchili N., Krichbaum T.P., Liu X., Song H.G., et al., A&A, 530, A1292011 

19. Radio lightcurve of SN2008iz in M82 revealed by Urumqi observations, Marchili N., Marti-Vidal I., Brunthaler A., Krichbaum T.P., Muller P., Liu X., Song H.G., et al., A&A, 509, A34 2010 

20. The follow-up European VLBI Network observations of twelve GPS radio sources at 5 GHz, Cui L., Liu X., Liu J., Song H.-G., Ding Z., A&A, 518, A23 2010 

21. VLBI observations of nineteen GHz-peaked spectrum radio sources at 1.6 GHz, Liu X., Cui L., Luo W.-F., Shi W.-Z., Song H.-G., A&A, 2007, 470, 97  

22. Seven-frequency VLBI Observations of the GHz-Peaked-Spectrum Source OQ208, Luo W.F., Yang J., Cui L., Liu X., Shen Z.Q., ChJAA, 7, 6112007


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