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3110米射电望远镜天文观测系统的建立,中国科学院计划,2012- 2015,负责人






1. 2019年,第六届中国电子学会优秀科技工作者

2. 2018年,新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步一等奖

3. 2017年,自治区优秀归国留学人员

4. 2015年,全国先进工作者

5. 2012年,全国优秀科技工作者

6. 2012年,全国测绘科技进步三等奖

7. 2011年,新疆维吾尔自治区优秀科技工作者

8. 2010年,中科院朱李月华优秀教师奖

9. 2010年,探月工程嫦娥二号任务突出贡献者

10. 2009年,王宽诚西部学者突出贡献奖

11. 2009年,第三届“中国科学院十大杰出妇女”称号

12. 2008年,新疆维吾尔自治区第九批“突出贡献优秀专家”

13. 2007年,新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选

14. 2007年,国务院“政府特殊津贴”

15. 2006年,第七届“新疆十大杰出青年”称号

16. 2005年,“自治区先进工作者”荣誉称号

17. 2004年,新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步一等奖

18. 2003年,第一届“新疆青年科技奖”

19. 1999年,新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步一等奖


1. Jiang, L.; Wang, N.; Chen, W. C.; Li, X. D.; Liu, W. M.; Gao, Z. F., A strange star scenario for the formation of isolated millisecond pulsars, A&A, 2020 

2. Yan, W. M.; Manchester, R. N.; Wang, N.; Wen, Z. G.; Yuan, J. P.; Lee, K. J.; Chen, J. L., Periodic mode changing in PSR J1048-5832, MNRAS, 2020 

3. Han, W.; Wang, J. B.; Wang, N.; Sun, G. W.; He, D. L., A method of ground target positioning by observing radio pulsars, Exp Astron, 2020 

4. Han, W.; Wang, N.; Wang, J. B.; Yuan, J. P.; He, D. L., Using single millisecond pulsar for terrestrial position determination, Ap&SS, 2019 

5. Wang, Y. B.; Zhou, X.; Wang, N.; Liu, X. W., The r-mode instability windows of strange stars, RAA, 2019 

6. Yan, W. M.; Manchester, R. N.; Wang, N.; Yuan, J. P.; Wen, Z. G.; Lee, K. J., Periodic Q-mode modulation in PSR J1825-0935 (PSR B1822-09), MNRAS, 2019 

7. Kou, F. F.; Yuan, J. P.; Wang, N.; Yan, W. M.; Dang, S. J., The spin-down state change and mode change associated with glitch activity of PSR B2035+36, MNRAS, 2018 

8. Pan, Y. Y.; Zhang, C. M.; Song, L. M.; Wang, N.; Li, D.; Yang, Y. Y., The minimum magnetic field of millisecond pulsars calculated according to accretion: application to the X-ray neutron star SAX J1808.4-3658 in a low-mass X-ray binary, MNRAS, 2018 

9. Yan, W. M.; Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N.; Wen, Z. G.; Yuan, J. P., Single-pulse observations of the Galactic centre magnetar PSR J1745-2900 at 3.1 GHz, MNRAS, 2018 

10. Wang, C. S.; Li, H. H.; Ying, K.; Xu, Q.; Wang, N.; Duan, B. Y.; Gao, W.; Xiao, L.; Duan, Y. H., Active Surface Compensation for Large Radio Telescope Antennas, Int J Antenn Propag, 2018 

11. 赵聪,许谦,王娜,项斌斌,新疆奇台110米射电望远镜主焦点馈源换馈方案研究,天文研究与技术,2017  

12. Yao, J. M.; Manchester, R. N.; Wang, N., Determination of the Sun's offset from the Galactic plane using pulsars, MNRAS, 2017  

13. Yao, J. M.; Manchester, R. N.; Wang, N., A New Electron-density Model for Estimation of Pulsar and FRB Distances, ApJ, 2017  

14. Yuan, J. P.; Manchester, R. N.; Wang, N. et al., Pulse profiles and timing of PSR J1757-2421, MNRAS, 2017  

15. Gao, Z. F.; Wang, N.; Shan, H.; Li, X.-D.; Wang, W., The Dipole Magnetic Field and Spin-down Evolutions of the High Braking Index Pulsar PSR J1640–4631, ApJ, 2017  

16. Gao, Z. F.; Li, X.-D.; Wang, N. et al., Constraining the braking indices of magnetars, MNRAS, 2016   

17. Zhu, C.; Gao, Z. F.; Li, X. D.; Wang, N.; Yuan, J. P. et al., Modified Fermi energy of electrons in a superhigh magnetic field, Morden Phys. Lett. A., 2016  

18. 肖明,王娜,刘志勇,大气折射对射电望远镜高精度指向的影响,天文研究与技术,2016  

19. 许谦,王娜,QTT天线结构挑战与进展,天文学进展,2016  

20. Wang, Z.; Wang, N.; Ping, J. S., Research on the lunar ionosphere using dual-frequency radio occultation with a small VLBI antenna, Ap&SS, 2015 

21. Wang, Z.; Wang, N.; Ping, J. S., Electron content near the lunar surface using dual-frequency VLBI tracking data in a single lunar orbiter mission, RAA, 2015  

22. Gao, Z. F.; Wang, N.; Xu, Y.; Shan, H.; Li, X.-D., The effects of superhigh magnetic fields on the equations of state of neutron stars , Astronomische Nachrichten, 2015  

23. 王娜,新疆奇台110米射电望远镜,中国科学(G)2014  

24. Gao, Z. F.; Peng, Q. H.; Wang, N., Pressure of Degenerate and Relativistic Electrons in A Superhigh Magnetic Field, Morden Phys. Lett. A., 2013  

25. Pan, Y. Y.; Wang, N.; Zhang, C. M., Binary pulsars in magnetic field versus spin period diagram, Ap&SS, 2013  

26. Wang, X.; Wang, N.; Yan, Y.H., The Relationship Between the Particle Injection Rate and the Dispersion of the Scattering Angular Distribution, ApJS, 2013   

27. Wang, N.; Yuan, J. P.; Liu, Z. Y.; et al., Recent glitches detected in the Crab pulsar, Ap&SS, 2012  

28. Chen, D., Zhu, X. Z., Wang, N., Research on Ensemble Pulsar Time Based on Observed Data, Chinese Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2012 

29. Gao, Z. F.; Wang, N.; Song, D. L.; Yuan, J. P.; Chou, C.-K., The effects of intense magnetic fields on Landau levels in a neutron star, Ap&SS, 2011  

30. Na, X. S.; Wang, N.; Yuan, J. P. et al., Hurst parameter analysis of radio pulsar timing residuals,MNRAS, 2011  

31. Gao, Z. F.; Wang, N.; Yuan, J. P.; Jiang, L.; Song, D. L., Numerical simulation of the electron capture process in a magnetar interior, Ap&SS, 2011 

32. Gao, Z. F.; Wang, N.; Yuan, J. P. et al., Evolution of superhigh magnetic fields of magnetars, Ap&SS, 2011  

33. Peng, Q.-H.; Gao, Z. F.; Wang, N. et al., Physics on huge X-ray luminosity of magnetars, Proceedings of Science, 2011 

34. Chen, J. L.; Wang, H. G.; Wang, N. et al., Long term monitoring of mode switching for PSR B0329+54, ApJ, 2011  

35. Liu, Z.-Y.; Wang, N.; Zhao, C.-S., An Observational Study of the Strong Single Pulses of PSR J0034-0721, 102. Nizamdin, B.; Esamdin, A.; Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2011  

36. Wang, N., Pulsar glitches detected at Urumqi, Highlights of Astronomy, 2010 

37. Yuan, J. P.; Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N. et al., A Very Large Glitch in PSR B2334+61, ApJL, 2010  

38. Yuan, J. P.; Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N.; Liu, Z. Y., 29 glitches detected at Urumqi Observatory, MNRAS, 2010  

39. Wang, N.; Yan, Z.; Manchester, R. N. et al., Daily observations of interstellar scintillation in PSR B0329+54, MNRAS, 2008  

40. Zou, W. Z.; Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N. et al., Observations of six glitches in PSR B1737-30, MNRAS, 2008  

41. Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N.; Johnston, S., Pulsar nulling and mode changing, MNRAS, 2007 

42. Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N.; Johnston, S. et al., Long-term Scintillation Observations of five Pulsars at 1540MHz, MNRAS, 2005 

43. Wang, N.; Johnston, S.; Manchester, R. N., 13 years of timing of PSR B1259-63, MNRAS, 2004 

44. Wang N., Manchester R. N., Zhang J., Wu X. J., et al., Pulsar timing at Urumqi Astronomical Observatory: system and results, MNRAS, 2001 

45. Wang N, R. N. Manchester, R. Pace et. al., Glitches in Southern Pulsars, MNRAS, 2000 


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