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2020-09-02| 【A A A【打印】【关闭】

姓名:崔朗                     性别:男      

民族:汉族                     职称:研究员

学历:研究生                   学位:博士






  1. 在研项目



3) 基于SKA先导望远镜的宇宙磁场研究,科技部SKA专项项目,2022-112026-10,骨干成员



  1. 已完成项目



3) 高红移射电类星体的VLBI观测研究,国家自然科学基金天文联合基金培育项目,2018-012020-12,参与


5)行星状星云K3-356 GHz OH脉泽的VLBI观测研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2016-012018-12,负责人




  1. 2020年,新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学奖,二等奖
  2. 2009年,新疆维吾尔自治区第十届自然科学优秀学术论文,一等奖


  1. Very Long Baseline Array Observations of Parsec-scale Radio Emission in Dual Active Galactic Nuclei’, W.-C. Xu, L. Cui*, X. Liu, et al., ApJ, 969, 36, 2024
  2. Tests of the Kerr Hypothesis with MAXI J1803-298 Using Different RELXILL_NK Flavors’, J. Liao, M. Ghasemi-Nodehi, L. Cui*, et al., ApJ,967, 35, 2024
  3. VLBI detection of the AE Aqr twin_LAMOST J024048.51+195226.9’, P.-F. Jiang, L. Cui*, X. Liu, et al., MNRAS, 528, L112, 2024
  4. Constraining Annihilating Dark Matter Using the Multifrequency Radio Flux Profiles of the M33 Galaxy’, M. H. Chan*, C. M. Lee, L. Cui*, et al., ApJ, 962, 141, 2024
  5. VLBI astrometry on the white dwarf pulsar AR Scorpii’, P.-F. Jiang, L. Cui*, J. Yang, et al., MNRAS, 520, 2942, 2023
  6. Precessing jet nozzle connecting to a spinning black hole in M87’, Y. Cui, K. Hada, T. Kawashima, et al. (L. Cui included), Nature, 621, 711, 2023
  7. Wavelet based tone mapping (TM) enhancement to a detection system for faint and compact sources in HDR and large FOV radio scenes’, H. Shan, L. Cui, X.Y. Hong, X. Liu, N. Chang, Astronomy and Computing, 42, 100684, 2023
  8. The Qitai radio telescope’, Na Wang, Qian Xu, Jun Ma, et al. (L. Cui included), Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy , 66, 8, 289512, 2023
  9. Multiwavelength Temporal Variability of the Blazar PKS 1510–089’, Q. Yuan, Pankaj Kushwaha, Alok C. Gupta, et al. (L. Cui included), ApJ, 953, 47, 2023
  10. Spectral analysis of a parsec-scale jet in M 87: Observational constraint on the magnetic field strengths in the jet’, Hyunwook Ro, Motoki Kino, Bong Won Sohn, et al. (L. Cui included), A&A, 673, A159, 2023
  11. East Asian VLBI Network astrometry toward the extreme outer Galaxy: Kinematic distance with the proper motion of G034.84-00.95’, Nobuyuki Sakai, Bo Zhang, Shuangjing Xu, et al. (L. Cui included), PASJ, 75(1), 208, 2023
  12. Intermediate-mass black holes: finding of episodic, large-scale, and powerful jet activity in a dwarf galaxy’, Jun Yang, Zsolt Paragi, Sandor Frey, Leonid I. Gurvits, Mai Liao, Xiang Liu, Lang Cui, Xiaolong Yang, Wen Chen, Eskil Varenius, John E. Conway, Rurong Chen, Ning Chang, MNRAS, 520, 5964, 2023
  13. Optical Flux and Spectral Variability of BL Lacertae during Its Historical High Outburst in 2020’, Nibedita Kalita, Yuhai Yuan , Minfeng Gu, et al. (L. Cui included), ApJ, 943, 135, 2023
  14. Overview of the Observing System and Initial Scientific Accomplishments of the East Asian VLBI Network (EAVN)’, Kazunori Akiyama, Juan-Carlos Algaba, Tao An, et al.(L. Cui included), Galaxies, 10, 113, 2022
  15. The Astrometric Animation of Water Masers toward the Mira Variable BX Cam’, Shuangjing Xu, Hiroshi Imai, Youngjoo Yun, Bo Zhang, María J. Rioja, Richard Dodson, Se-Hyung Cho, Jaeheon Kim, Lang Cui, Andrey M. Sobolev, James O. Chibueze, Dong-Jin Kim, Kei Amada, Jun-ichi Nakashima, Gabor Orosz, Miyako Oyadomari, Sejin Oh, Yoshinori Yonekura, Yan Sun, Xiaofeng Mai, Jingdong Zhang, Shiming Wen, Taehyun Jung, ApJ, 941, 105, 2022
  16. A long-lived compact jet in the black hole X-ray binary candidate AT2019wey’, Hong-Min Cao, Giulia Migliori, Marcello Giroletti, Sándor Frey, Jun Yang, Krisztina É. Gabányi6, Lang Cui, Tao An, Xiao-Yu Hong, Wen-Da Zhang, A&A, 657, A104, 2022
  17. Multimessenger Picture of J1048+7143’, Kun, Emma; Jaroschewski, Ilja; Ghorbanietemad, Armin, et al. (L. Cui included), ApJ, 940, 163, 2022
  18. A compact symmetric radio source born at one-tenth the current age of the Universe’, An, Tao; Wang, Ailing; Zhang, Yingkang; Aditya, J. N. H. S.; Hong, Xiaoyu; Cui, Lang, MNRAS, 511, 4572, 2022
  19. Explaining the 'Outliers' Track in Black Hole X-ray Binaries with a BZ-Jet and Inner-Disk Coupling’, Chang, Ning; Liu, Xiang; Xie, Fu-Guo; Cui, Lang; Shan, Hao, Universe, 8, 333, 2022
  20. The Intrinsic Structure of Sagittarius A* at 1.3 cm and 7 mm’, Cho, Ilje; Zhao, Guang-Yao ; Kawashima, Tomohisa ; et al. (L. Cui included), ApJ, 926, 108, 2022
  21. Resolving the inner jet of PKS 1749+096 with super-resolution VLBA images at 7 mm’, Cui, Lang; Lu, Ru-Sen; Yu, Wei; Liu, Jun; Patino-Alvarez, Victor M.; Yuan, Qi, RAA, 21, 091, 2021
  22. Intra-Day Variability Observations of Two Dozens of Blazars at 4.8 GHz’, Liu, Xiang; Wang, Xin; Chang, Ning; Liu, Jun; Cui, Lang; Yang, Xiaofeng; Krichbaum, Thomas P., Universe, 7, 15, 2021
  23. Analysing the radio flux density profile of the M31 galaxy: a possible dark matter interpretation’, M. H. Chan*, C. F. Yeung, L. Cui*, et al., MNRAS, 501, 5692, 2021
  24. East Asian VLBI Network observations of active galactic nuclei jets: imaging with KaVA+Tianma+Nanshan’, Y.-Z. Cui, K. Hada, M. Kino, et al. (L. Cui included), RAA, 21, 205, 2021
  25. Broadband Multi-wavelength Properties of M87 during the 2017 Event Horizon Telescope Campaign’, J. C. Algaba, J. Anczarski, K. Asada, et al. (L. Cui included), ApJL, 911, L11, 2021
  26. Untangling Optical Emissions of the Jet and Accretion Disk in the Flat-spectrum Radio Quasar 3C 273 with Reverberation Mapping Data’, Y.-R. Li, Z.-X. Zhang, C. Jin, P. Du, L. Cui, X. Liu, J.-M. Wang, ApJ, 897, 18, 2020
  27. A parsec-scale radio jet launched by the central intermediate-mass black hole in the dwarf galaxy SDSS J090613.77+561015.2’, J. Yang, L. I. Gurvits, Z. Paragi, et al. (L. Cui included), MNRAS Letters, 495, L71, 2020
  28. Venus Express radio occultation observed by PRIDE’, Bocanegra-Bahamon, T. M.; Calves, G. Molera; Gurvits, L., I; et al. (L. Cui included), A&A, 624, A59, 2019
  29. Ruling Out ~100–300 GeV Thermal Relic Annihilating Dark Matter by Radio Observation of the Andromeda Galaxy’, M. H. Chan, L. Cui, J. Liu, C. S. Leung, ApJ, 872, 177, 2019
  30. The loud and the quiet: searching for radio counterparts of two radio-weak BL Lac candidates with VLBI’, H.-M. Cao, S. Frey, K. E. Gabanyi, J. Yang, L. Cui, et al., MNRAS Letters, 482, L34, 2019
  31. What can VLBI astrometry tell us about AR Sco?’, Cui, Lang; Yang, Jun; Ma, Hongli; Liu, Jun; Chen, Wen, Planetary Nebulae: Multi-Wavelength Probes of Stellar and Galactic Evolution, IAU Symposium, S323, 376, 2017
  32. VLBA 24 and 43 GHz observations of massive binary black hole candidate PKS 1155+251’, X. L. Yang, X. Liu, J. Yang, L. G. Mi, L. Cui, et al., MNRAS, 471, 1873, 2017
  33. NGC 5252: a pair of radio-emitting active galactic nuclei?’, X. L. Yang, J. Yang, Z. Paragi, et al. (L. Cui included), MNRAS, 464, L70, 2017
  34. Possible explanation for the surface brightness profile of the stellar disk’, D.-B. Kang & L. Cui, The European Physical Journal Plus, 130, 189, 2015
  35. Intra-day variability observations and the VLBI structure analysis of quasar S4 0917+624’, X. Liu, L.-G. Mi, J. Liu, L. Cui, et al., A&A, 578, A34, 2015
  36. 4.8 GHz Intra-Day Variability of the FSRQ 0507+179’, Cui, Lang; Liu, Jun; Liu, Xiang, JApA, 35, 271, 2014
  37. Variability Study of the S5 Sample’, Liu, Jun; Cui, Lang; Liu, Xiang; Ding, Zhen; Song, Hua-Gang, JApA, 35, 247, 2014
  38. VLBI Observations of 10 Compact Symmetric Object Candidates: Expansion Velocities of Hot Spots’, An, Tao; Wu, Fang; Yang, Jun; et al. (L. Cui included), ApJS, 198, 5, 2012
  39. Variability of GPS Radio Sources at 5 GHz’, Cui, Lang; Liu, Xiang; Liu, Jun, JApA, 32, 281, 2011
  40. Radio Observation of the 11-Month Fermi-AGN at Urumqi Observatory’, Ding, Zhen; Liu, Xiang; Liu, Jun; Cui, Lang; Song, H. G., JApA, 32, 47, 2011
  41. The follow-up European VLBI Network observations of twelve GPS radio sources at 5 GHz’, Cui, L.; Liu, X.; Liu, J.; Song, H.-G.; Ding, Z., A&A, 518, A23, 2010
  42. Progress of research on AGNs at the Urumqi Observatory’, L. Cui, H.-G. Song, J. Liu, et al., Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 53, S1, 244, 2010
  43. Structure, spectra and variability of some GPS radio sources’, Liu, X.; Song, H.-G.; Cui, L., AN, 330, 145, 2009
  44. VLBI observations of nineteen GHz-peaked-spectrum radio sources at 1.6 GHz’, Liu, X.; Cui, L.; Luo, W.-F.; Shi, W.-Z.; Song, H.-G., A&A, 470, 97, 2007
  45. Seven-frequency VLBI observations of the GHz-Peaked-Spectrum source OQ208’, Luo, Wen-Feng; Yang, Jun; Cui, Lang; Liu, Xiang; Shen, Zhi-Qiang, ChJAA, 7, 611, 2007
  46. VLBI Observations of GHz-Peaked-Spectrum Radio Sources at 1.6 GHz’, Liu, Xiang; Cui, Lang, The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei, ASP Conference Series, 373, 231, 2007

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