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2020-09-02| 【A A A【打印】【关闭】

姓名:温志刚            性别:男                                      

民族:汉族              职称:研究员

学历:研究生            学位:博士



现任职务:国际天文学联合会会员,中国天文学会会员,新疆天文学会会员,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》审稿人,《The Astrophysical Journal》审稿人



  1. 在研项目







  1. 已完成项目













  1. Wang H., Wen Z. G.*, Wang N., et al., Waiting-time distribution of giant pulses from the Crab pulsar modeled with a non-stationary Poisson process, 2024, Acta Astronomica Sinica, 65, 2
  2. Chen J. L., Wen Z. G.*, Wang Z., et al., Investigation of periodic modulation behaviors from pulsar J2022+514, 2024, The Astrophysical Journal, 961, 114
  3. Wang Z., Wen Z. G.*, Yuan J. P., et al., Probing the interstellar medium from scintillation of the swooshing pulsar B0919+06, 2024, The Astrophysical Journal, 968, 109
  4. Tan J., Wen Z. G.*, Wang Z., et al., The bright single pulse emission from PSR B1133+16, 2024, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 24, 045022
  5. Chen J. L., Wen Z. G.*, Wang H. G., et al., Periodic nulling and even-odd modulation properties of PSR J2313+4253, 2024, Scientia Sincia Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, 54, 4
  6. Wang H., Wen Z. G.*, Duan X. F., et al., Exploring the individual-pulse behaviours of pulsar J1701-3726 with Parkes, 2023, The Astrophysical Journal, 950, 166
  7. Zhang Y. F., Wen Z. G.*, Wang N., et al., A Search for Fast Radio Bursts Associated with Gamma-ray Bursts with YNAO 40-m Radio Telescope, 2023, Serbian Astronomical Journal, 206, 39
  8. Chen J. L., Wen Z. G.*, Duan X. F., et al., Bright-mode Emission from PSR B0823+26 Using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, 2023, The Astrophysical Journal, 946, 2
  9. Chen J. L., Wen Z. G.*, Duan X. F., et al., Individual pulse emission from the diffuse drifter PSR J1401 - 6357 using the ultrawideband receiver on the Parkes radio telescope, 2023, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 2
  10. Chen J. L., Wen Z. G.*, Wang H. G., et al., Investigation of mode changing, pulse nulling and subpulse drifting properties in the asymmetric conal triple radio pulsar B2319+60, 2022, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22, 115014
  11. Chen J. L., Wen Z. G.*, Yuan J. P., et al., The discovery of a rotating radio transient J1918-0449 with intriguing emission properties with the five hundred meter aperture spherical radio telescope, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal, 934, 24
  12. Wang Y. B. Wen Z. G.*, Yuen R.*, et al., The Multiple Images of the Plasma Lensing FRB, 2022, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22, 065017
  13. Wen Z. G., Yuan J. P.*, Wang N. et al., A single pulse study of the subpulse drifter PSR J1631+1252 discovered at FAST, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal, 929, 71
  14. Chen J. L., Wen Z. G.*, Yuan J. P., et al., Interstellar Scintillation of PSR J2048-1616, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal, 927, 14
  15. Wang Z., Wen Z. G.*, Yuan J. P., et al., Multifrequency Study of Periodic Nulling and Subpulse Drifting in Pulsar J2048-1616, 2021, The Astrophysical Journal, 923, 259
  16. Wen Z. G.*, Yuen R., Wang N., et al., Observations of Bright Pulses from Pulsar B0031-07 at 4.82 GHz, 2021, The Astrophysical Journal, 918, 57
  17. Mijit M., Wen Z. G.*, Wang N., The Detection and Investigations of Strong Pulses from PSR B1237+25, 2021, Acta Astronomica Sinica, 62, 1
  18. Wen Z. G.*, Yan W. M., Yuan J. P., et al., The Mode Switching in Pulsar J1326-6700, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal, 904, 72
  19. Wen Z. G.*, Chen J. L., Hao L. F., et al., Intriguing Drifting Subpulses in the Vela Pulsar, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal, 900, 168
  20. Chen J. L., Wen Z. G.*, Hao L. F., et al., Giant Micropulse Emission in the Vela Pulsar at the C Band, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal, 899, 118
  21. Wen Z. G., Wang N.*, Yuan J. P., et al., Investigation of nulling and subpulse drifting properties of PSR J1727-2739, 2016, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 592, 127
  22. Wen Z. G., Wang N.*, Yan W. M., et al., The mode switching of PSR B2020+28, 2016, Astrophysics and Space Science, 361, 261
  23. Zhang Z., Yan W. M., Yuan J. P., …, Wen Z. G., et al., A search for radio pulsars in supernova remnants using FAST with one pulsar discovered, 2024, Chinese Physics Letters, 41, 029701
  24. Yuan J. P., Wang N., Dang S. J., …, Wen Z. G., et al., Characterizing timing noise in normal pulsars with the Nanshan radio telescope, 2024, Universe, 10, 105
  25. Xu X., Zhi Q. J., Bai J. T., Wen Z. G., et al., Investigating the unique drift behavior of PSR B2110+27 with FAST, 2024, The Astrophysical Journal, 968, 119
  26. Tedila H. M., Yuen R., Wang N., Li D., Wen Z. G., et al., Investigation of profile shifting and subpulse movement in PSR J0344+0901 with FAST, 2024, The Astrophysical Journal, 965, 144
  27. Dang S. J., Yuan J. P., Shang L. H., …, Wen Z. G., et al., Polarization and single-pulse micro-structure studies of rotating radio transient J0139+3336 with FAST, 2024, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528, 1213
  28. Cai Y. Q., Dang S. J., Yuen R., …, Wen Z. G., et al., The study of mode-switching behavior of PSR J0614+2229 using the Parkes ultrawide-bandwidth receiver observations, 2024, The Astrophysical Journal, 966, 241
  29. Zhi Q. J.*, Xu X., Shang L. H., …, Wen Z. G., et al., The drifting subpulse and nulling of PSR B0820+02 observed with FAST, 2023, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 1
  30. Xiang B. B.*, Wang W., Ban Y., Lin S. M., Wen Z. G., et al., Influence and correction of wavefront primary aberration for radio telescopes using aberration theory, 2023, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 23, 025015
  31. Wu Q. D., Yuan J. P., Wang N., …, Wen Z. G., et al., Follow-up timing of 24 pulsars discovered in commensal radio astronomy FAST survey, 2023, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 5152
  32. Miao C. C., Blackmon V., Zhu W. W., …, Wen Z. G., et al., Reciprocating magnetic fields in the pulsar wind observed from the black widow pulsar J1720-0534, 2023, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 23, 105005
  33. Guo Z. P., Wen Z. G., Yuan J. P., et al., Single-pulse emission variation of two pulsars discovered by FAST, 2023, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 23, 075008
  34. Duan X. F., Li J., Pei X., …, Wen Z. G., et al., Arduino-based microwave power measurement system design, 2023, Journal of Microwaves, 39, 10
  35. Tu Z. Y., Yuen R.*, Wen Z. G., et al., The low emission mode in PSR B0329+54, 2022, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515, 2
  36. Mao J. W., Yuan J. P.*, Wen Z. G., et al., Targeted Search for Fast Radio Bursts with Nanshan 26 m Radio Telescope, 2022, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22, 6
  37. Tedila H. M., Yuen R., Wang N., Yuan J. P., Wen Z. G., et al., Emission Variation of a Long-period Pulsar Discovered by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), 2022, The Astrophysical Journal, 929, 2
  38. Ergesh T., Li J., Duan X. F., Pei X., Wen Z. G., Development of Pulsar Digital Backend Based on RFSoC, 2022, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22, 2
  39. Duan X. F., Li J., Pei X., Ergesh T., Wen Z. G., et al., Implementation of CASPAR Firmware Interface on PYNQ-Z2, 2022, 2022 IEEE 9th International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications (MAPE)
  40. Rejep R., Wang N., Yan W. M., Wen Z. G., Nulling and subpulse drifting in PSR J1727-2739, 2022, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509, 2507
  41. Chen J. L., Wang H. G., Wen Z. G., et al., The Study for Long-time Stability of Pulse Profiles of PSR B0329+54 by Using Nanshan Data, 2021, Acta Astronomica Sinica, 62, 4
  42. Dang S. J., Wang N., Wang H. H., …, Wen Z. G., et al., Spin-down and emission variations for PSR J0742−2822, 2021, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 21, 2
  43. Ge M. Y., Zhang S. N., Lu F. J., …, Wen Z. G., et al., Discovery of delayed spin-up behavior following two large glitches in the Crab pulsar and the statistics of such processes, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal, 896, 55
  44. Luo R., Wang B. J., Men Y. P., …, Wen Z. G., et al., Diverse polarization angle swings from a repeating fast radio burst source, 2020, Nature, 586, 7831
  45. Yan W. M., Manchester R. N., Wang N., Wen Z. G., et al., Periodic mode changing in PSR J1048-5832, 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491, 4
  46. Huang W. J., Huang X. J., Wen Z. G., et al., Observational properties of radio emission beams of PSR J1906+0746 and its implication, 2020, Astronomical Research and Technology, 17, 4
  47. Yan W. M., Manchester R. N., Wang N., Yuan J. P., Wen Z. G., et al., Periodic Q-mode modulation in PSR J1825−0935 (PSR B1822−09), 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485, 3
  48. Zhang L., Li D., Hobbs G., …, Wen Z. G., et al., PSR J1926-0652: A Pulsar with Interesting Emission Properties Discovered at FAST, 2019, The Astrophysical Journal, 877, 1
  49. Men Y. P., Luo R., Chen M. Z., …, Wen Z. G., et al., Piggyback search for fast radio bursts using Nanshan 26 m and Kunming 40 m radio telescopes – I. Observing and data analysis systems, discovery of a mysterious peryton, 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488, 3
  50. Xu Y. H., Yuan J. P., Lee K. J., …, Wen Z. G., et al., The 2016 glitch in the Vela pulsar, 2019, Astrophysics and Space Science, 364, 1
  51. Xiang B. B., Wang N., Chen M. Z., Xu Q., Aili Y., Xue F., Hazezhan G., He D. L., Wen Z. G., Subreflector adjustment system for NSRT, 2018, Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VII, 10700, 2
  52. Yan W. M.*, Wang N., Manchester R. N., Wen Z. G., et al., Single-pulse observations of the Galactic Center magnetar PSR J1745−2900 at 3.1 GHz, 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476, 3
  53. Gajjar V., Yuan J. P.*, Yuen R., Wen Z. G., et al., On Nulling, Drifting, and Their Interactions in PSRs J1741–0840 and J1840–0840, 2017, ApJ, 850, 2
  54. Pei X., Li J., Yuan J. P., Wen Z. G., et al., The progress of pulsar backend development based on ROACH2, 2017, Progress in Astronomy, 35, 2
  55. Wang H. G., Chen J. L., Wen Z. G., et al., On the mode switching timescales of pulsar PSR B0329+54, 2013, IAUS, 291, 549
  56. 温志刚*;李健;袁建平等,基于Roach终端的脉冲星观测软件,2019,软件著作权,2019SR1180745
  57. 温志刚*;李明帅;袁建平等,望远镜站址气象环境数据处理软件,2019,软件著作权,2019SR1175672
  58. 李明帅;温志刚;李健等,天文气象环境预报系统,2019,软件著作权,2019SR1234932
  59. 裴鑫;段雪峰;温志刚等,一种快速射电暴自动探测系统及方法,2022,中国专利,CN202010303171.7

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